One of the best ways for service professionals to stay in front of prospects and demonstrate their expertise is through a newsletter or video series. I get a newsletter from a carpet cleaner that I often read because it has great tips on how to clean up spills (e.g. wine) and remove stains. That is valuable for someone with two kids and two dogs :)
While many service professionals recognize this approach could be effective, many are afraid of getting writer’s block. This is understandable. However, a few simple questions are typically enough to push past it.
It is easy to forget how much you know about your subject area that most people don’t. For example, when I hear an ad, I automatically think about who is the target audience and how does it appeal to them. I can’t help it... and yet, most people are not thinking about that. You probably do the same for your area of expertise.
So, you just need a few questions to help you make your implicit thinking more explicit. If you are interested in creating a newsletter or doing a series of videos, these may be helpful:
What are the most commonly asked questions? Or, what are the most common questions you have been having recently?
What are the questions people should be asking, but don’t?
How have you helped a client and what was the big idea that moved them forward?
Any of these topics could easily make a newsletter topic or video. As a matter of fact, I used these to help me figure out this topic. I was having a little writer’s block, and the right questions helped me move forward.